Understanding Ductless Split Systems
When it comes to home heating and air conditioning options, ductless split systems offer a number of advantages for homeowners. Homeowners living in older homes and residences often lack existing ductwork and are relying on baseboards and radiator heating units. For these homeowners, ductless split systems offer efficient temperature control without the expense of duct installation.
How Ductless Split Systems Work
The operation of a ductless split system is fairly straightforward. Part of their appeal lies in the fact that these systems are comprised of two parts. The compressor unit is installed on the outside of a home on a cooling slab while the fan and evaporator (located within the same wall-mounted enclosure) are installed indoors – usually near the ceiling of an exterior wall. Holes are drilled through the wall to connect the two units with a series of copper refrigerant lines. This refrigerant is cooled by the compressor and pumped through the wiring into the home. At that point, the fan distributes the cool air throughout the room. Since warm air is heavier than cooler air, the cool air will drop while the warm air rises. Once the warm air has risen, it is extracted (along with any resulting condensation) through the indoor unit and pumped back to the compressor unit through the copper lines.
Types of Ductless Split Systems:
Due to the ability to accommodate different configurations, ductless split systems can work for both single and multi-family homes. All ductless systems operate under one of two platforms – mini split and multi split platforms. Below is a brief explanation of each of these platforms.
- Single Split Ductless System: The simplest of the ductless split systems, single split systems work best for heating or cooling single rooms. They are comprised only of a single indoor fan coil and a condenser located outside the home. For homes or buildings that need to heat or cool multiple rooms and have the space needed to accommodate the compressors, multiple condensing units can be installed outside. This platform provides two main advantages. It allows for room-by-room temperature control and prevents the entire system from shutting down if one unit goes out.
- Multi Split Ductless System: This platform is comprised of a single outdoor condensing unit that is connected to multiple indoor air handlers. Each indoor unit is connected to a thermostat for temperature control. When cooling is needed, all units are activated at one time. While cost effective, this platform is best suited for homes or buildings with rooms with similar cooling needs.
Advantages of Ductless Split Systems:
Homeowners are able to avoid the time and energy spent installing and removing window units at the change of every season. Additionally, storage of these window units during off season can be problematic.
- Homeowners are able to install multiple cooling units without having to run all units at the same time. This allows homeowners to only heat or cool specified rooms in a home, rather than the entire house.
- Avoid the expensive installation of ductwork installation.
- Ductless split systems offer more energy efficiency than window units.
- Ductless split systems improve the air quality of a home.
- Ductless split systems use less electricity and generate less noise than other home heating and air conditioning options.
Disadvantages of Ductless Split Systems:
- Ductless systems can cost almost thirty percent more than central air conditioning systems.
- Ductless systems are more complicated to install than central air systems because the installation technician must properly determine the needed size of the units and the best location for wall mounting. Wrongly sized units waste energy and money and reduce the quality of airflow.
- Ductless systems require space for condensation draining units outdoors. Some homeowners find this less visually appealing than alternative air conditioning systems.
Deciding to utilize a ductless system depends on the size of a home, the heating and cooling needs, how old a building is and the amount of available indoor and outdoor space. An experienced home heating and air conditioning technician can help guide homeowners through the decision-making process.
Contacting A HVAC Specialist For Ductless System Installation
As previously mentioned, the effectiveness and efficiency of a ductless split system depend on proper installation by a trained professional. Call Argent Plumbing at 908-286-1920 to speak with a trained technician about installing a ductless split system in your home today.